Three little letters I never imagined owning but last week that all changed. Even though I'm not giving up my day job, I decided to incorporate my business after several weeks of research and talking to accountant and lawyer friends. I had originally intended to hang up my shingle and operate as a sole proprietor but several people I spoke to advised me to setup a corporation to limit my liabilities. Liabilities? What liabilities?
I suppose I am the ultimate optimist and I like to think that nothing bad is ever going to happen. I enjoy photography and I just want to have fun capturing moments for people and sharing my images. I don't want to worry about things like liabilities and legal matters. Luckily I have good friends who help me take off my rose colored glasses and look at the worst-case scenarios. What if my equipment failed during an important shoot? What if I accidentally photograph someone who doesn't want to be photographed and the image gets out and somehow damages their reputation? Granted, I am describing worst-case scenarios but what would happen if they came to fruition. Is it worth risking one's personal assets over? I think not.
So last Friday I headed down to a local registry office, filled out the paperwork, paid my $297 and presto - Moments in Digital Ltd. is officially born. What started out as hobby has started to get a little more complicated than I first envisioned but I'm having fun with it and definitely learning a lot about myself while gaining some valuable business experience. Where it goes from here only time will tell but at least for now I feel the proper foundation has been laid.
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