Wednesday, April 16, 2008

One Stop Shop at Alltop

I subscribe to several great Photography blogs covering topics from the technical to the artistic and everything in between. Most of the blogs I currently read I found via a Google search and then discovered others by following links from those blogs to other blogs.

imageRecently, Guy Kawasaki who was one of the original guys at Apple, started a new site called Alltop. It is basically a blog aggregator of all the best blogs on the Net organized by categories. The thing I like about Alltop is that it lists all the top blogs on a particular topic on one page with the 5 most recent posts from each blog. By surveying the most recent posts from a variety of blogs on a related topic, it's very easy to see if a particular issue or news item is bubbling to the surface in the blogosphere.

Of course one of the categories on Alltop is Photography and I have discovered some great blogs to read. Check it out at

One of my new favourites that I discovered through Alltop is Scott Kelby's blog. He is the author of a great Photoshop book called The Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers. I highly recommend it if you are interested in photography and deal with an post-processing of images. Read Scott's blog at

One funny side note. I was reading through their About section and found this great FAQ and I thought their response was great:

Q. Couldn’t I build my own custom aggregation using a feed reader, customizable home pages, Netvibes, etc?

A. Yes, you could—knock yourself out. While you’re at it, you could backup your hard disk, bake your own bread, iron your own shirts, floss daily, tune your own car, and bike to work.

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