Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Photography Podcasts

If you own an iPod, chances are that you know about Podcasts and probably have already subscribed to some of your favorites. There are several great photography podcasts out there and I thought I would share some of my personal favorites.

TWiP - This week in Photography is a relatively new podcast that started around January of this year. imageProduced by Pixelcorps and hosted by Scott Bourne and Alex Lindsay, this weekly podcast includes news, reviews, tips, techniques, and discussions on everything related to photography. TWiP also has a blog at as well as a Flickr group where members can contribute photographs, participate in assignments, and post images to be critiqued and discussed.

Tips from the Top Floor - Hosted by Chris Marquardt, this short podcast offers tips and advice for novice photographers to pro photographers. Chris also appears as a regular on Leo Laporte's radio show "The Tech Guy" which is also available on iTunes in a weekly podcast format. Chris's website can be found at

Photography 101 hosted by Scott Wittenberg, is a video podcast which covers a wide range of techniques and tips on cameras, composition, and exposure as well as step-by-step instructions on how to manipulate images in Photoshop.

These are just a few of the podcasts that I listen to a regular basis that are related to photography. I also subscribe to several blogs on photography and Photoshop which provide me with some great tips and advice as well as information on new software and hardware. In a future blog post I'll write about some of my favorite photography blogs.

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