Friday, November 28, 2008

Dancing for the Kids

On Wednesday night I had the pleasure of attending the 4th Annual Dancing for the Kids fund raiser at the Shaw Conference Centre. This annual event is presented by the Rotary Club of Edmonton and supports the Kids with Cancer Society. Six celebrity dancers were paired with six professional dancers and each performed a different dance in front of a crowd of approximately 800 people and a panel of guest judges including Nicola Crosbie, Jamie Sale, Lynn Mandel and Katherine Frey. Celebrity dancers included Gillian Foote, Jason Gregor, Steve Hogle, Daryl McIntyre, Anna Posteraro, and Schoena Strudwick. They were paired with professional dancers Vince Davis, Samantha Gotlib, Daiana Sanchez, David Lam, Dominic LaCroix, and Delphine Romaire.


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It was a great night of dancing and all of the celebrity dancers put forth an amazing effort. Dances included the Salsa, Fox Trot, Cha Cha, Argentine Tango, Lindy Hop and the Rumba. Video of each performance is available on CTV’s website at:

After each couple performed their dance, the panel of judges provided their feedback and then presented their scores. Once the judges had their say, the audience then had the ability to vote using a remote control voting system at each table. After all of the couples had performed and the results were tallied, Daryl McIntyre was crowned as the eventual champion with Gillian Foote taking 2nd place overall.


On a side-note, Daryl’s partner Samantha Gotlib was actually our dance instructor when my wife and I went to Arthur Murray to take some dance lessons for our wedding so it was great to run into her again after all these years.

Once the mirror ball trophy had been handed out, the dance floor was opened up to everyone to get up and strut their stuff. While out shooting the dances for my friend Anna Posteraro, I was approached by representatives of the Edmonton Oilers and asked to take a few photos of some of the Oiler’s players including Steve Staios and Jason Strudwick with his wife Shoena who was one of the celebrity dancers this year.


Pictured above: Steve Staios with 14 year-old Jennifer Taite who represented the Kids with Cancer Society.20081125_DFTK_434

Edmonton Oiler Jason Strudwick with his wife and celebrity dancer Shoena Strudwick.

More photos of Shoena’s performance can be found on the Edmonton Oilers website at

For more information on this event, visit

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